Monday, March 21, 2016

What is 3D printing?

3D printing Illustration

3-D printing is one of the most trending technology systems at the moment.  
Its uses are expanding every day into almost all fields of study, production, and even health care and medicine. 

Before looking into the details of 3D printing, let's start with understanding what it is and how it works? 

3D printing is also referred to as 'additive manufacturing'. It is a process by which digitally created designs are translated from the software they were created in, into a physical model through the use of a machine linked to the program.

The additive method is the commonly used technique in the manufacturing of solid models from digital designs. 

It uses the concept of adding layer above layer from the raw material inside the machine. Other methods use a 'subtraction' method, in which the machine removes parts of a solid cube, to result in the designed solid. 

Want to know more? Watch this informative video that introduces the concept of 3D printing: 

Process of 3D Printing: How does it work?

3D printing is not as simple as clicking a button. 
There is a process of design and preparation of the digital model before it is sent to the 'printing' execution phase. 

The procedure begins with creating a virtual object designed on a software such as CAD (Autodesk design software) or using another 3D modeling program. Another method includes 3D scanning an existing object then modifying it through special software.

The next step is preparing the model for printing, using the software required for production. Since the 3D printer uses an additive method of production, the virtual model is sliced horizontally in constant intervals to create the set of layers that will be added above each other using the printer. 

The video below shows the final process in the procedure, where the object is being printed.

Materials used in 3D Printing

3D printing uses a variety of material in the printing/production process.

Due to the development of the technique and the procedure of the printing, it can now use up to 107 different materials!

The most commonly used is the plastic, present in different colors and textures. 

Majority of printers used with less cost productions use plastics such as:

  • PLA - Plolylactic Acid, which is environmentally friendly and extracted from corn starch and sugar cane, since it is biodegradable.
  • ABS - Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, safe and strong composition.
  • PVA - Ployvinyl Alcohol Plastic
 Other types of materials used include:

  • Powders
  • Resins
  • Ceramics
  • Titanium
  • Stainless Steel
  • Bronze
  • Brass
  • Silver 
  • Gold
  • and even food!

Uses of 3D Printing in Different Industries

With the evolution of the 3D printing technology, more and more industries are adapting it in order to manufacture products. 

The procedure is easier and faster, and even more accurate than the manual human manufacturing technique. It also allows quick mass production for small detailed pieces. 

It is most commonly used in the architecture industry, to produce models created digitally by the architect or designer. However, it expanded to encompass a larger variety of production lines. Some of these are:

  • Electronics 
  • Commercial products 
  • Aerospace design
  • Automotive industry
  • Medical use
  • Fashion
  • and even the defense industry

3D printing created a significant breakthrough in the medical industry, where by doctors and practitioners are now able to print human body parts and restore injured patients by using this technology. 

Not only has it made life simpler, easier and faster, but it is also saving lives!

Breakthrough of 3D Printing in the Medical Industry!

Drew Hendricks of 'The Harvard Business Review' has published an article on the medical use of 3D printing, and its growing importance in the practice of modern medicine. 

The article presents the benefits and uses of the printing technology in the repair of skin for burn victims and designing lung airways for patients suffering from the mutation in birth.

The breakthrough of the 3D printing is expanding to produce custom made body parts that are completely functional, and not only aesthetic!

There has been advances in its use in cancer treatments and to cure bone infections!

3D printing is our present and future! The progress and benefits of the technology is beyond what was expected. 

With evolving techniques, the use of 3D printing could become adapted to everyday procedures carried out on patients, from simple to complex issues.

Read more about how 3D printing is already changing health care from the following link:
 3D Printing Changing Health Care!

References and Sources


Additive Manufacturing, Laser-Sintering and industrial 3D printing - Benefits and Functional Principle. Retrieved March 19, 2016, from

What is 3D printing? How does 3D printing work? Retrieved March 20, 2016, from

What Materials do 3D Printers Use? Retrieved March 20, 2016, from


Hendricks, D. (2016, March 04). 3D Printing Is Already Changing Health Care. Retrieved March 21, 2016, from


3D printing in manufacturing [Digital image]. Retrieved March 20, 2016, from,320

Materials Table [Digital image]. Retrieved March 20, 2016, from

Uses of 3D printing [Digital image]. Retrieved March 20, 2016, from

3D Printed body parts. [Digital Image]. Retrieved March 21, 2016, from

 CreateItReal. (2013, April 2). 3D Printing Process [Video file]. Retrieved from

 Mashable. (2014, May 8). What is 3D Printing and How Does it Work? [Video file]. Retrieved from